Monthly Archives: February 2012


As I’ve alluded to recently, Adam and I have decided to start house-hunting in earnest. We’ve been keeping an eye on the market for over a year, but with our lease up at the end of April, we decided to actually get ourselves a real estate agent, a mortgage broker, and a pre-approval and start taking things seriously this winter.  So far, we seem to be on the same page on what our priorities are – big enough kitchen that both of us can fit in at the same time (we cook together a lot) and can store all of our kitchen items (right now, we have stuff in our linen closet and the closet in our spare bedroom); a bedroom that we can keep all of our clothes in, so once of us doesn’t have to always go to an office/spare bedroom to get dressed (seems a little silly, but we expect that one day those spare rooms are going to house kid(s) with clothes of their own, and then what?); a place where we can have more than two people over to hang out at a time; metro-accessible (either actual metro or a short bus ride away) so we don’t have to buy a second car and Adam doesn’t have to commute an hour each way; I don’t want my commute to get any worse than it already is.  Ideally, we’d like to be close to a bike path so we can continue to easily do our long runs and Adam can continue to bike to work when the weather is nice, but it isn’t a dealbreaker if we’re not.

We’ve seen a few places that we’ve liked, but nothing that we’ve loved.  We’re lucky that we can go month-to-month at the end of April and that we like our current place a lot – we can afford to be picky, and we are in a situation where we can jump if the right place for us shows up on the market. Which is good, because the great houses are on the market less than a week around here.  Hopefully once its spring and more homes go on the market, the prices will come down a bit. Right now, the three bedrooms in the neighborhoods we are looking at are at the top of what we’re comfortable spending, which means there isn’t money left over to make the house “ours.” I’m not talking major renovations, but odds are we’ll want to paint, replace carpets, possibly fix up some bathrooms (there’s a lot of pink or mint green tile around here).

So, that’s where we are. We may be putting in an offer this weekend, or we may be waiting until September, or maybe until next year.  And in the meantime, we’ll keep stalking the real estate websites like its our job.

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Filed under Randomness

Photo-a-day: February 4-7

February 4: a stranger (actually taken on 2/5)

“The Bean.” In the three times I’ve been to Chicago, I’ve never been to see The Bean. There were lots of strangers there!


February 5: 10am

Adam and I could not wear our Giants gear during the actual game (superstitious? us?), so I wore my t-shirt out to brunch (and then on the flight home the next day after the win… hurrah!).

February 6: dinner

We got back home Monday afternoon, then needed to head out to meet with our mortgage broker (yup), then went to the grocery store, so by the time we got home at almost 8 we had no desire to make real dinner, so microwavable mac n cheese it was. (This was probably the lamest night ever for this prompt – we actually eat some pretty interesting and healthy dinners around here!)

February 7: button

I ordered this custom notebook clutch from Etsy to hold three LobotoME notepads (Feed Me, Fit Me, Save Me).  It’s sort of our go-to household planner.

** I skipped February 3 (hands – just never got around to it), 8 (sun – it never came out!) and 9 (front door – our plain brown apartment door is completely uninteresting).

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Filed under Photo a Day, Travels

Photo-a-day: February 2

Today’s prompt: words.

This is the mug I keep at work.  I purchased it at the American Art Museum after seeing Mike Wilkins’s Preamble on display. A pretty perfect mug for a lawyer, I think.

I’m headed out of the town for the weekend to our annual college reunion Super Bowl weekend party in Chicago. (Although I’ve missed the last two years to snow and work, respectively.)  We booked the tickets back when Adam was convinced the Giants weren’t even going to be in the playoffs, otherwise we’d most likely be watching Sunday’s game on our couch, away from distractions.  It’s going to be nerve-wracking to have to watch the game with a few dozen other people… including several Pats fans.

I’m going to try to keep up with the photo-a-day on Twitter, but I’ll post them here sometime after I get back.

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Photo-a-day: February 1

A lot of people I follow online (huh, ten years ago that would have sounded really creepy) participated in the January photo-a-day challenge.  I was excited to hear that there was going to be a February photo-a-day challenge so I could jump right on that bandwagon and play along.

Today’s prompt: your view today.

This is what I see when I look out my bedroom window — Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, the Capitol.  I love this city.


Filed under Photo a Day